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22 March, 2016

Akashe Aaj Ranger Khela - Modern Songs by Various Artists

Album : Akashe Aaj Ranger Khela

Artist(s) : Various

Genre : Modern Songs
Mode Track No. & Name Artist(s)

01. Bitley Aghanua
Manna Dey, Anita Mazumder

02. Aaj Pasha

03. Agun Lagaiyya Dilo
Kamal Chowdhury

04. Ranger Manush

05. Brojo Gopi Khele Hori
Dhirendra Chandra Mitra

06. Khelu Na Tore Sangh Holi Ray

07. Holi Dhum Machai
Bindhyabasini Devi

08. Aaj Dol Dilo Ke
Mira Dev Burman

09. Elo Phaagun Elo
Ramkumar Chatterjee

10. Aaj Holi Khelbo Re Shyam
Shilpi Das