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21 July, 2016

Antor Mandire Jago by Ashes Dey & Malati Dey

Album : Antor Mandire Jago

Artist(s) : Ashes Dey & Malati Dey

Genre : Modern Songs
Mode Track No. & Name Artist(s)

01. Amabosya Rate
Ashes Dey & Malati Dey

02. Andhotimir Muchiye Dhoray
Ashes Dey & Malati Dey

03. Ashay Ashay Furiye Elo Pran
Ashes Dey & Malati Dey

04. Boro Boro Sadhok Bhakto
Ashes Dey & Malati Dey

05. Ei To Sendin Tumi Chile
Ashes Dey & Malati Dey

06. Mago Nei Dhupkathi
Ashes Dey & Malati Dey

07. Mago Poth Dekhao
Ashes Dey & Malati Dey

08. Momo Antaro Mondire Jago
Ashes Dey & Malati Dey