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02 September, 2016

Jake Kakhono Shonano Holo Na by Soma Ghosh

Album : Jake Kakhono Shonano Holo Na

Artist(s) : Soma Ghosh

Released : August 30, 2016
Mode Track No. & Name Artist(s)

01. Meghla Diney
Soma Ghosh

02. Barshanmaala
Soma Ghosh

03. Rabindranath Er Chithi Nazrul Ke
Soma Ghosh

04. Nazrul Er Chithi Rabindranath Ke
Soma Ghosh

05. Hey Nutan
Soma Ghosh

06. Achena
Soma Ghosh

07. Prem
Soma Ghosh

08. Apekkha
Soma Ghosh

09. Subhechha
Soma Ghosh

10. Aakasher Thikanay
Soma Ghosh

11. Anya Gopal
Soma Ghosh

12. Tarpor
Soma Ghosh

13. Bhratridwitiyar Galpo
Soma Ghosh

14. Dampatya
Soma Ghosh