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10 February, 2015

Darbeshi Gaan - Bengali Folk Songs by Kalachand Darbesh

Album : Darbeshi Gaan

Artist(s) : Kalachand Darbesh

Genre : Bengali Folk Songs
Mode Track No. & Name Artist(s)

01. Sindhu Parer Bondhu Je Jon
Kalachand Darbesh

02. Ghorer Maijhya Dekhle
Kalachand Darbesh

03. Jar Jannyo Tor Bhobe Asa
Kalachand Darbesh

04. Je Ghate Maal Haraiyechi
Kalachand Darbesh

05. Kon Dhone Tor Guru Sukhi
Kalachand Darbesh

06. Konkhanete Dibe Sejda
Kalachand Darbesh

07. Pichon Hoite Aajrail Dake
Kalachand Darbesh

08. Aamar Gaaner Pala Sesh Hoyeche
Kalachand Darbesh