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10 February, 2015

Isto Pothe Chal Re Mon - Baul Gaan by Mohan Das Baul

Album : Isto Pothe Chal Re Mon

Artist(s) : Mohan Das Baul

Genre : Baul Gaan
Mode Track No. & Name Artist(s)

01. Isto Pothe Chal Re Mon
Mohan Das Baul

02. Juge Juge Abotar
Mohan Das Baul

03. Sobar Cheye Tomay Bhalo
Mohan Das Baul

04. Deoghare Jabi Pran Jurabi
Mohan Das Baul

05. Radharanir Khasmoholay
Mohan Das Baul

06. Thakur Noyre Bhater Hari
Mohan Das Baul

07. Din Thakte Mon Re Amar
Mohan Das Baul

08. Ei To Re Sei Premer Tirtha
Mohan Das Baul

09. O Bhai Chikon Kala
Mohan Das Baul

10. O Tor Din Gelo
Mohan Das Baul