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23 August, 2016

Joy Radhe Radhe Krishna by Various Artists

Album : Joy Radhe Radhe Krishna

Artist(s) : Various

Released : 22.08.2016
Mode Track No. & Name Artist(s)

01. Joy Radhe Radhe Krishna
Mahesh Ranjan Shome

02. Krishna Bole Kando
Pakshit Bala

03. Shuk Bale Amar Krishna
Mahesh Ranjan Shome

04. Tumhi Arupo Swarupo
Nandini Bhattacharjee

05. Hey Krishna Karuna Sindhu
Srikanta Acharyya, Rai

06. Jader Hari Bolte
Mahesh Ranjan Shome

07. Gogone Krishno Mekh Dole
Chandrabali Rudra Dutta

08. Mon Ekbar Hari Balo
Mahesh Ranjan Shome

09. Harinam Diye Jagat
Swagatalakshmi Dasgupta

10. Brojogopi Khelay Hori
Deepabali Dutta