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19 August, 2016

Nirob Raate - Modern Songs by Doly Sayontoni

Album : Nirob Raate

Artist(s) : Doly Sayontoni

Released : 11.08.2016
Mode Track No. & Name Artist(s)

01. O Amar Jaan
Doly Sayontoni

02. Dug Dugi
Doly Sayontoni

03. Pranta Morar Por
Doly Sayontoni

04. Nirob Raate
Doly Sayontoni

05. Ghor Vange
Doly Sayontoni

06. Vule Jete
Doly Sayontoni

07. Osru Diye Potro
Doly Sayontoni

08. Kichute Tumi Amar
Doly Sayontoni

09. Ghori Chole Tik Tik
Doly Sayontoni

10. Amay Prithibite
Doly Sayontoni

11. Tomar Nondini
Doly Sayontoni

12. Akasher Chad Jodi
Doly Sayontoni